Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Virus “Ayo Ngepit Wae” and Fixie

Jogja is under attack by a virus called "Ayo Ngepit Wae", in the Indonesian language "Let's just cycling." This virus attacks all ages, ranging from parents to children. Bicycles are used also vary, there are MTB, folding bike , Fixie, and also not miss the oldest sepda d Indonesia "Ontel Jowo Pit."

However, on this occasion I will make you interested in a bike that now-now being loved by the young people of Bike Fixie. Bike Fixie started booming overseas around 2008 and arrived in Indonesia around 2010. Interesting side of the bike is a fixie can dikayuh back and forth, the same tire size such as bicycle racing that is the size of 700C, a high sedel higher than handlebar, the colors are striking and the twinkling lights. Average fixie bike is used to do freestyle, some say the name of the freestyle movement know there trackstand, Keo spin, bar spin, bunny hop, backwards and so forth. Please click fixie to view video of cycling fixie tricks.

In Yogyakarta there are many communities have bicycle fixie. And they will gather on a regular monthly event every Friday from the end of the month that is named JLFR "Jogja Last Friday Ride". In the event it is not just sepda JLFR fixie course, there are other types of bikes. How? You are interested in creating a bicycle fixie.

For those of you who are interested can contact the e-mail me "yoga_screamer@yahoo.com", because I sold the jacket assembly fixie bike and some parts needed to make it.

`Hopefully helpful and Thanks

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